Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kutting For Kids

Last Sunday I had the privilege of participating in the 10th Annual Kutting for Kids held at the Orange Park Mall. This was my second year volunteering. What a fun day! As you may know, Kutting For Kids is sponsored by Channel 12 and Jeannie Blalock. Locks of Love takes the donations and makes wigs for children who do not have hair due to medical reasons.

As in the past years; many generous, caring people donated their locks. We had donors from all ages. The youngest donor was 3 years old. At last count we collected over 7,004 inches of hair with the longest single donation being 26 inches. That is enough to make 45 wigs for those in need.

Emotions definitely ran high during this event. It was not uncommon to see huge smiles on the faces of the donors but there were also a few that shed tears as their tresses were removed.

Everyone felt joyous to be giving to such a worthwhile cause. We even had one very special girl donate.
There were many organizations that helped in the event. Brownies were there to help with the collection and measuring the donations. Talented musicians and dancers entertained us. Clowns were on hand for ballon hats or animals and face painting. Professional hairstylsts donated their time and talent to ensure that everyone looked great after their donation.

Here is a video of my favorite images from the day. I hope you enjoy it. If you were unable to donate this year please consider donating next year. Donations must be at least 10 inches and free from bleach (hair color is permissable). For a full overview of the criteria please visit the Locks of Love website.

If you would like to see more images log onto the First Coast News website, click the View Videos and Photos link to select the Kutting for Kids gallery.
If your image is on our blog and you would like a copy for Facebook, etc please contact our studio. We will be happy to send you a web quality image free of charge. This is our way of saying thank you for donating.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Little Teaser for You

I hope you enjoy this teaser from a family session that I did the other night. This family is very special to alot of people. They will soon be celebrating 20 years of pastoring their church. A huge congratulation and wishes for continued success from us to you. May God continue to bless you in your ministry.
Ms. Sandy, I can't wait for you to see all your images. They are lovely and I am quite proud of them. We are honored that you allowed us to capture these treasured images.
Okay, okay as a blogger I fail. There has been
so much to blog about but soooo little time. I
am sure we are all experiencing the same thing.
I promise to try to be better about blogging.

One thing I would like to say: I am very proud
to anounce that Amore' Studio & Photographic Design
as been accepted into Biltmore's Who's Who for Businesses.
What an honor!