Monday, March 23, 2009

A Word For Our Clients

With our current national economic state, we have been saddened to hear of the many stories of hardships from our clients. We have also been touched to hear of the blessings that have come from these hardships.

We want you to know that while Amore' Studio is still a business, it's not about the money (and never was!) We love witnessing the joy that is expressed between an engaged couple, the undying love between a bride and her groom, and watching them grow into a family. Its about connecting with our clients and sharing in their joy. We love to see the tears of pride during an image presentation.

Never do we take for granted nor treat the work we do lightly. It is an honor to be given the privilege of photographing the important moments and people in your life. It is heartbreaking to hear that families are going without pictures because the budget is tighter.

Please do not hesitate to call us and schedule an appointment. We have new payment plans that we have put into place to help. We are committed to continuing to provide you with images you will treasure for a lifetime. We will work with you on an individual basis so that you do not have to go without. You only marry your true love once. Your children are little only for a very short time. Please do not let these moments pass by without having beautiful images to remember them by.

Remember we value your business but more importantly we value your friendship! Help us do what we love by sharing how we may serve you

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